2nd page to my open book:
Self-love is something I have recently found. I have felt the power of what it means to love who you are, and love others. Yet, my current largest fear isn’t failure, isn’t letting others down, but rather the limitless capabilities of love. Shit, I fear love more than hate. You can never be let down by hate, but you can be by love. I can tell myself how much of a boss bitch I am (which I am) but to love, you have to be vulnerable, open. What if I don’t find it in its rawest form, or it’s not reciprocated? There is a loss of control when it comes to love which I believe is the point. So in the mean time, I will love who I am, love those around me, and appreciate the time I am given to do so. The day I surrender to love, put my arms behind my head and look it straight in the face, (I hope) is the day I fall for love, the way love keeps fighting a way to fall into me.

1st page to my open book:
I’m enjoying my single life, basking in my own thoughts, hearing what I have to say. I love my independence, and yes I am madly in love with myself and who I am. I write poetry, hoping my words will speak back to me and start a conversation. I am in my head and it’s doing me well. I am happy, but I want so much more from this world. I wish to get to know YOU, speak with you and laugh. Though when I reach out not everyone reaches back. I’ve learned only those worthy deserve to put these hands I hold up, slowly down to my side.