My new podcast “Real Sh!t” centers around authenticity and breaking taboos. Listen in as I discuss topics ranging from race, gender, sex, drugs, travel, and culture! It’s time I bring my travel stories, and life experiences to your ears in an honest tone. As I unveil my truth, I hope to spark dialogue and establish a community where people feel less alone while also learning something new. If you’re tired of all the bulls*#! life feeds you, Real Sh!t podcast is the place to sit down, relax, and finally find some comfort in being uncomfortable!
A podcast that centers on the complex diversities of life through true experiences. Topics will include travel, race, gender, culture and all the real shit we deal with in our lives.
Season 1 finale is here right NOW! This episode is all about being present, and practicing what it means to live mindfully. Being aware of the NOW, and how you’re feeling physically and mentally is the first lesson in learning who you are. Loosen the attachment between the past and future, and enable a relationship to grow with who you ARE; finding beauty in both life and death. Take a deep breath in with me through this journey of life, and release your breath to welcome a new flow of energy!
Real Sh!t Podcast Videos
For live recordings of these episodes please watch the videos below!