My Greatest Idea.

my greatest idea.

April 12th, 2018

I have fallen in love with the idea of you. Every word you write, every opinion you preach. You inspire me to continue my passions. To fight, and be the vocal person I am. You seem to not care about society’s standards of masculinity. Sometimes you show a sensitive side, sometimes an aggressive one. You ask questions, try to learn, and fight for your beliefs. I have fallen in love with your words. Your intellect. I have fallen for what I imagine you to be. Yet I know it’s not real. That I am only shown the surface. There are more depictions, more words to be wrapped around you illuminating who you are. Your Facebook posts are simply not enough. I do not know you as much as I think I do. As much as I would like to. But this idea of you…it has given me hope. Although rare, there are more like you. More open, genuine human beings with the same energy as you. I celebrate your existence.

I have fallen in love with the idea of you. I will not pursue you for anything more than a Facebook acquaintance. You are taken, you are of distance. We have a mutual respect, and I am happy to have such a connection. Just know, you inspire and give me joy. This is my thank you. A thank you to your voice, to your openness and honesty. I wish you the best.

I have fallen in love with the idea of you and it may well be the best damn idea I’ve ever had.

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